Energy Crisis & Government Support – March 2022

I am sure we have all been impacted by the sudden increases in energy costs and so I thought I would borrow from my neighbouring councillor Tamara Reay (Devizes Rural West) who is also portfolio holder for Climate Change. She has put together some useful information which will be helpful to many of us in The Lavingtons.

In February the Government announced that all households in England whose primary residence is in council tax bands A to D are entitled to a one-off council tax energy rebate payment of £150. To ensure that residents get the payment as soon as possible Wiltshire Council will be using the details of those who are set-up to pay by direct debit so that the rebate money can go straight into those accounts. The council is in the process of establishing how the money will get to those people who aren’t set up to pay by direct debit, and more information for those residents and how they can claim it will be available in due course.

The Government also announced that funding will also be provided to local authorities to operate a discretionary fund for households in need who would not otherwise be eligible. This could include, for example, individuals on low incomes who live in properties in bands E-H. Wiltshire Council has been allocated around £877,000 for this and is developing a system to distribute this money to those eligible and will confirm more details soon.

There was more good news for vulnerable households who will be able to benefit from energy efficiency improvements over the next year. Together with Swindon Borough Council, Wiltshire Council has secured over £5 million to deliver home energy upgrades across Swindon and Wiltshire, following a successful bid to the Government’s Home Upgrade Grant fund.

The funding will be used to install energy efficiency measures in homes to raise Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating to Band C. Households, including social rent, low income and living in areas without mains gas – both rented and owner-occupied – will benefit from these improvements helping to reduce their bills and make their homes warmer. Upgrades include wall and roof insulation as well as new low-carbon heating systems, thermostats and room heating controls.

Tamara encourages anyone who is concerned about rising energy bills or who need energy saving advice, to contact the free and impartial Warm and Safe Wiltshire service at or by calling 0800 038 5722.

Finally, I couldn’t write this month without mentioning the terrible situation which continues to impact families in Ukraine. As we learn more about the proposal to house refugees displaced by the conflict, I am sure like me you are assessing how best you can help. So many local people have shown such compassion in their donations of clothes and supplies, some have embarked on journeys to Poland to deliver goods and even started to prepare to travel to Ukraine to help on the front lines. Whatever we can do, however small it may seem, our solidarity shows the innocent victims of Russian aggression that they are not alone.

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.