Winter Weather & A Happy Christmas! – December 2023

By the time you read this there is a good chance you will have your Christmas tree up! If you haven’t, there is still time, although you will be WAY behind Shaun and Kelly at The Churchill Arms who got theirs up at the beginning of November!

I once decided to put a tree up on October 1st (partly to win a bet) and by the time Christmas arrived we were all sick of it! That said, the Churchill’s beautiful tree and lights (and The Royal Oak’s too!) was a lovely sight as I made my way back through West Lavington on a dark and drizzly evening. The weather has been so depressing recently I am looking forward to Christmas and spending time with friends and family.

Now that the early evenings are at their darkest and the weather is so poor, it is important to be extra careful on the roads. Speeds which might have been fine in the dry are now not appropriate as cold rubber struggles to grip to the wet, leaf-covered tarmac. Cyclists, horse-riders and pedestrians are also more difficult to spot and so more care is needed when driving. If you are on your horse, bike, or on foot, please make sure you can be seen, ideally wearing high-vis and carrying lights. In the pouring rain I drove towards Potterne one evening last week and encountered a cyclist on the tight bends heading to Devizes. The cyclist had no lights, was wearing dark clothes, and was without a helmet. I remember my driving instructor warning me to drive as though every person you encounter on the road is stupid… on this occasion he was right.

On the subject of the weather, I have been helping residents by drawing Wiltshire Council’s attention to flood problem areas. I have seen the drainage teams responding very quickly to blocked drains across the area, but I am conscious that in many cases they are playing catch-up after years of not periodically flushing out pipework. The local parish councils have taken steps to help identify issues, including drain mapping and flood prevention work. If you are interested in volunteering as a flood warden, I am sure they would appreciate your help.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete the survey I recently started distributing. Common priorities so far include road safety, speeding and support of local businesses. I will use your feedback to direct my efforts throughout 2024. As you know on the road safety front, I continue to push the Black Dog project forwards. Last week I asked Highways to use powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act to urgently close the slip road north of the crossroads. Two accidents in as many months there and, in my opinion, there is no good reason for its existence.

Thank you also to everyone who has raised concerns over the Hayfield Rise development and the habitation of homes on the site before the Puffin crossing is completed. This delay goes against a condition of the planning approval and is unnecessary. I am in discussion with enforcement officers on this matter.

Lastly, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a fantastic start to the new year. Please have a happy and restful break and take care of yourselves and each other.

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.