Winter is Coming! – October 2021

This month I met with several local residents who are passionate about the fight against climate change whilst many more sent me ideas and comments via email following the publishing of Wiltshire Council’s Climate Strategy.

The Council has made great strides in reducing its carbon footprint over the last few years and the Climate Strategy signposts the way forwards to achieve even more. That said, I think there is more that can be done and the pace with which we do it can be picked-up too. From the feedback I have received, this seems to be a view shared by many residents and I have passed all comments to my fellow councillors who are tasked with constructing and driving forwards policy on the subject.

I am reminded by the red leaves on the Virginia Creeper and Stag’s Horn in the back garden that the year is rapidly drawing to a close. As we prepare for Guy Fawkes night I have been asked by a few residents to raise the issue of bonfires which create a lot of smoke and can cause issues for anyone with respiratory issues. Whether it is a November 5th bonfire party or general garden fires, please be considerate of neighbours by waiting until after dark before lighting fires. It would also help not to burn green wood which creates more smoke and ideally have the Council collect garden waste so that it can be disposed of in a more environmentally friendly way.

Please also be mindful that many of us are pet and livestock owners and might need warning of fireworks in order to minimise stress to our animals. Again, please be courteous where possible and tell your neighbours if you are planning on letting off fireworks or use a local Facebook group if you prefer. We rarely see fireworks throughout the year until November and December but when they do arrive they can cause significant stress despite the occasional sound of mortars and machine guns that we are used to! I don’t believe it is fair to suggest people should be unable to enjoy a short firework display at home, however, that courtesy should be reflected by those choosing to light some fireworks by giving a little nudge to those living around them. As with everything, life is all about give and take, tolerance and courtesy.

As a parent of younger children I am conscious that darker evenings make simple road crossings on the way home from school or the park a lot more dangerous. Speeds through our villages are, at times, ridiculous. With slippery roads and poor visibility the chance of a very serious incident is increased dramatically. Please can all drivers keep in mind the impact on stopping distances that Autumn and Winter brings and be respectful of our village speed limits. If you do have younger children it might be worth having a chat with them about road safety so they understand the difference between Summer and Winter when it comes to vehicles and their ability to see and stop.

Get those log piles stacked and oil tanks topped-up, stay safe, have a happy Halloween and bonfire night and please do not hesitate to contact me about anything I can help with.

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.