Ukraine Crisis & Local Support – April 2022

The first Ukrainian settlers are due to arrive in The Lavingtons shortly, thanks to the compassion and support of a number of our neighbours. The thought that terrified and vulnerable families have been offered shelter and hope by local residents is amazing.

Locally, over 200 households have offered safe homes for people fleeing from the war-torn country.  Wiltshire Council is putting in additional staffing to provide safety checks and support the growing number of Ukrainian refugees who are due to settle in Wiltshire and schools are working together with the council to continue education for young refugees. Voluntary groups and charities, including LoveUkraine – the Devizes support group, are helping to co-ordinate responses and develop ways to ensure when families arrive they have the support they need.

Wiltshire school children raised more than £11,000 this month after the Wiltshire Youth Council invited schools to join in a non-uniform day. Proceeds have gone to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Appeal after school children ditched their uniforms and wore blue and yellow in solidarity.

On the subject of local fundraising, the Devizes Area Board completely wiped out their remaining budgets at their last meeting in Devizes! I was very pleased that local councillors unanimously voted to direct grants of more than £41,000 to local projects including Great Cheverell Youth Club, Worton & Cheverell Football Club, Market Lavington’s Broadwell Play Area and other fantastic local causes. With fresh new grants available, now is the time to get that community project you have been pondering off the ground! The Devizes Area Board and your local parish council would be thrilled to hear about any community focused initiative that you want to create and with cheque books at the ready I would encourage you to reach out for support!

In the last month West Lavington Youth Club has appointed a hugely experienced Youth Leader who is excited about building up activities for young people in the area. With the village hall based youth club and surrounding playing fields, this is great news for West Lavington, Market Lavington and surrounding villages. Dedicated volunteers in Great Cheverell have also stepped-up to setup a new youth club with financial support from Wiltshire Council. Brilliant news for our villages!

Any ideas you might have to improve our community, from youth activities and social events to environmental and nature-based projects could be supported by your local parish council and Wiltshire Council.

These are our villages so let’s work together to make them better!

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.