Radiators & Drains – June 2022

The Jubilee Weekend was a fantastic display of patriotism and adoration for the Queen but also a reflection of community spirit, neighbourliness, and friendship. I think after so many months of not being allowed to see each other, followed by the cautious opening-up of life, everyone has realised just how much social interaction suffered. With bunting covering many streets, neighbours new and old joined together in street parties, fetes, and other celebrations; fantastic to be a part of.

Thatcher (in)famously said in a Women’s Own article in 1987 that there was no such thing as society. My interpretation of her words is that out of the box “society” or “community” does not exist, it isn’t just some entity that is always there, it is the sum of what we do as individuals working together. When I look at the Jubilee celebrations across our villages there is evidence that society DOES exist in a huge way and that is due to the community spirit of so many of you. If you came out to celebrate with your neighbours over the Jubilee or if you delivered medicines during Covid lockdowns, support your Parish Council or volunteer at a youth club or anything else community focused, YOU are building society.

A friend of mine once told me of an expression in education where teachers were either “radiators” or “drains”, describing those that give off positivity and lift others up and those that are so negative their very presence brings people down. The vast majority of our neighbours are definitely radiators, you only need to look at the wonderful things happening in and around our villages to see the positivity that people give off; it is both uplifting and inspiring and I love living here because of it.

Unfortunately, it isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. In the early hours of Monday 6th June, a motorbike was stolen from a rear garden in West Lavington. The theft, which was clearly planned and carried out by multiple individuals was captured on CCTV. I mention the incident for two reasons, firstly as an appeal to anyone in West Lavington with a Ring doorbell or CCTV who might have captured suspicious behaviour between 2am and 3:30am. Secondly as a warning, please be cautious, keep valuable items out of sight, sheds and garages locked and be inquisitive if you see strange vehicles or individuals in your street. There is nothing wrong with taking a vehicle registration and calling 101 to report suspicious activity; it might just allow the Police to join the dots should a crime be committed.

Sadly, a very tiny minority of neighbours are foul-smelling drains with nothing better to do than to drag others into their own misery. Rise above it, together we will drive the negativity out, there is no place for it in our villages so long as we continue to stand together.

To end on a positive, and I know I am always harping on about it(!), West Lavington Youth Club recently opened its doors for the first time in a long while and was quickly at maximum capacity! With so many people wanting to come along, but with a limitation on numbers due to adult/young people ratios, the energetic and friendly team is hoping that volunteers may step forwards to help. If you are interested in helping out for a few hours, please get in contact with the inspirational Dave Brown (westlavingtonyouthclub2022@gmail.com).

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to dominic.muns@wiltshire.gov.uk or by phone on 07585 394 178.