My Work Tackling Local Issues – May 2022

Encouraging local youth initiatives is a bit of a pet-project for me at the moment, not just in The Lavingtons but across the Devizes area. I am working with a variety of stakeholders to improve youth provision and thankfully I am starting to see some really positive changes. Enthusiasm from Devizes Town Council is strong, support from Wiltshire Police is promising, Wiltshire Council’s Devizes Area Board has provided financial assistance and more and more dedicated volunteers are coming out to build exciting offerings across the area to benefit our children and young people.

Last month I shared with you the excellent news that West Lavington Youth Club has appointed an experienced team and I am delighted to say that they will be open on a Tuesday night for children in school years 5 to 8 and a Wednesday night for those who are older. Great Cheverell has also built a team of youth club volunteers and received funding from Wiltshire Council. The final piece of the puzzle is in gaining the support of the Pavilion Trust to offer the youth club a home. Fingers crossed the Trust will support the community by opening the Pavilion’s doors.

Local casework has kept me extremely busy this month, but I can honestly say, as exhausting as it is, it remains a pleasure to represent my community. I thought it might be interesting to share some of the things I am working on behind the scenes.

I continue to work with the Police & Crime Commissioner and Community Speed Watch coordinator to finalise my plan for a significant update to the way we can tackle village-based speeding. My focus is maintained on preparing representations to the Eastern Area Planning Committee regarding two local Planning proposals. I’ve had site meetings in West Lavington with Hayfield Homes, developer of the Lavington Lane site, to negotiate goodwill contributions to the community in the form of improvements to local infrastructure (in addition to the statutory CIL payments). I’ve also met with our Planning Enforcement Officer and residents across Great Cheverell, West Lavington and Market Lavington to resolve local issues involving rights of way and land encroachment.

Alongside regular attendance at monthly meetings, I’ve also tried to support our local parish councillors across The Lavingtons who give significant energy to making our villages better places to live. I work with Danny, our local MP, on joint initiatives such as the resolution of issues in Victoria Park and the poor standard of service offered by certain housing associations, Aster being a key focus for us at the moment. I’m proud to say I continue to frustrate Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet as well as certain council officers with my constant championing of issues you raise with me, primarily on the Highways front! Then there is of course the county-wide Education portfolio which I look after which brings a whole mountain of challenges as schools across Wiltshire face rising costs at the same time as trying to catch-up after so much schooling has been missed due to the pandemic.

If you do find a delay in me responding to you, please do not take offence – I will always respond and try to assist you however I can!

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.