Happy New Year! – January 2022

Happy New Year! I am never quite sure what the acceptable cut-off date for that exclamation should be. Wishing you all a “Happy New Year” towards the end of January probably signals that I am still clinging onto Christmas cheer instead of kicking myself that it’s cold and grey and I haven’t made a start at my resolution to gain some form of a healthy diet and physical fitness!

January is the time to start new personal projects and set ourselves goals. Part of my work as portfolio holder for Education is in supporting departments that help improve the education and skills of all members of our community. The Family and Community Learning initiative is one such provision that does great work in Wiltshire. F&CL provides free online “Boost” courses on a wide range of topics which might help you make that career move you have been thinking of. You can take as many of the 3.5 hour virtual courses as you want on subjects such as Communication, CV Writing and Interviewing and they won’t cost you a penny! If a job move is on your new year’s resolution list then Family & Community Learning might give you an added boost. For more details visit www.workwiltshire.co.uk/family-learning

Together with some dedicated individuals from around the county I am also busy working on a review of youth activities, clubs and organisations in the area. I am aware that all youth activities have struggled through Covid from being unable to open by law to struggling with staff and participant presence due to isolation. What I am desperate to understand is what exists for children and young people in the area in the aftermath of lockdowns, what is missing and what young people feel about how their lives can be enriched through extra-curricular youth activities.

It takes vocal young people and dedicated members of a community to help setup and run an activity and I am reassured that I see these passionate people every day. It also takes money and support which is available from a variety of sources including central Government, Wiltshire Council, our parish councils and local charities. I would love to hear your thoughts on youth activities in our community, whether you are a young person, parent, activity provider, teacher or anyone else. Please drop me a line to discuss.

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to dominic.muns@wiltshire.gov.uk or by phone on 07585 394 178.