Democratic House Building – September 2021

It can feel frustrating at times that “the system” (however you interpret that!) feels broken. You’re not alone, however, I take some comfort in the fact that, when we work together, we can fix things.

Two examples spring to mind; the first being the development of 50 houses in West Lavington which gained planning approval recently. Large scale developments are normally contentious but projects which are planned alongside communities tend to work better.

Back in 2011 the Localism Act gave communities the ability to create a “Neighbourhood Plan” allowing residents to set out policies which define how development will happen within their community. West Lavington & Littleton Panell formed a steering group made up of local residents and Parish Councillors and together began producing their Neighbourhood Plan. In it they highlighted important natural, historical and design aspects of the area and identified suitable spaces for future development. The project had the input of hundreds of residents along the way and was approved by referendum which forced Wiltshire Council planners to adopt it.

The field off Lavington Lane was one site highlighted as a suitable location for future development as part of the Neighbourhood Plan. Over the course of the following years Gaigers developed a plan to build 50 houses on the site. Through various public consultations and exhibitions the plans were refined with input from the community and eventually submitted to Planning. Not all residents were supportive of the plan although just three comments were submitted during the consultation which questioned a specific part of the application. I don’t attempt to claim that we are all happy about 50 new houses being built, however, as far as a democratic process goes, the community can count this one as a huge win. This development fits our Neighbourhood Plan and, unlike many developments across Wiltshire, this is what residents voted for.

The second example of communities working together is Black Dog crossroads. Back in my July letter I updated you on Wiltshire Council’s Highways Department which had collated years of feedback from residents into several potential solutions which they sent out to Parish Councils for wider consideration and comment. I personally attended meetings alongside other interested residents in West Lavington, Market Lavington, Little Cheverell, Great Cheverell and Easterton to hear the discussions around the various ideas. Improved visibility, clearer road markings and reduced speed were the themes consistently raised by residents.

Each Parish Council independently fed their comments back to Highways to help shape a single proposed solution. I am pleased to say that the single proposed solution that Highways produced answers the key points residents raised when they came together at their local parish meetings. From the responses I was included in, Parish Councils have widely supported the proposal and Highways officers have now sent the briefing note to Cllr Mark McClelland, Cabinet Member for Transport. This is significant progress driven by local residents who worked with each other and their local Parish Councils to ensure their voices were heard; well done if you were one of the many involved!

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.