Black Dog Crossroads Update – November 2023

Another crash at Black Dog crossroads this month, thankfully, this one was relatively minor and nobody was injured.

I wish to thank one of the drivers involved for contacting me and supplying me with photos and details. Yet again, just as those completing my survey have said unanimously, the accident was caused by a car pulling out from the Worton road into oncoming traffic.

I have yet to hear from anyone involved in an accident that was not caused by poor judgement or a lack of attention from drivers emerging from the side roads. This reinforces my opinion that traffic lights or a roundabout are unlikely to solve the problem, and in fact could make it more dangerous.

Currently it is very clear to drivers emerging from the Worton road that they do NOT have a right of way. They have a “hard stop” and must wait for a safe gap in which to join the A360. Drivers on the A360 who are familiar with the junction usually exercise caution, sensibly questioning whether the car they see sat at the junction is going to pull out. My concern is that as soon as you introduce a green light to A360 traffic you will lose that cautious approach. “Ah but what about the red light on the side road?”, I hear you ask! The Institute of Advanced Motorists states that 57% of cyclists and 32% of car drivers admitted to jumping red lights on occasion. If a driver comes down the A360 with reduced caution because they have a green light in front of them only to have a driver (or cyclist) jump the red, the force of the impact is likely to be greater. The same goes for roundabouts; I would estimate at least once a month I find myself on a roundabout only to have someone pull out in front of me. We know driver error is the root cause of accidents at Black Dog and it would be dangerous to expect traffic lights or a roundabout to cure driver error.

Budget has been set aside by Wiltshire Council to improve Black Dog. The solution we are seeking focuses on moving hedges and fences to create better visibility from the side roads. Realignment of the junction will also improve visibility, whilst improved signage and surface treatment will warn drivers of the hazard. We also seek a reduction in the A360 speed limit to 40mph and the closure of the cut-through on the bend north of the junction.

I met with Council officers, the Cabinet member for Highways and the office of the Police & Crime Commissioner again last week and it was confirmed that officers are now seeking the support of surrounding landowners to enable fences and hedgerows to be moved. I cannot stress strongly enough how important landowner support is to this project.

The survey remains on my website ( so please let me know the circumstances if you too have been involved in an accident at the crossroads.

Lastly, I was very pleased to see Market Lavington Parish Council agree to continue to support the library within the Old School despite legitimate concerns over running costs. The library is very well used by Market Lavington, West Lavington and Easterton residents and the decision will safeguard the future of the library. Thank you to all councillors for their support.

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to or by phone on 07585 394 178.