Black Dog Crossroads – Accident Survey

If like me you live close to Black Dog Crossroads you will be very familiar with the dangers of traversing it. Accidents are not uncommon but thankfully are usually without injury. It is important we build a clear picture of the number of accidents at the junction, however, we face a challenge in doing so.

The police are not always involved following an incident and other emergency services may not have been needed. As a result minor prangs might have gone unrecorded which disguises how many accidents occur at Black Dog.

The survey below allows you to enter relevant details if you have been involved in an accident at Black Dog. I can use these details to build a clearer picture of the dangers of the junction, potentially hugely valuable in the case that the only official data comes from serious injuries or fatalities of which there are (thankfully) very few.

Please take some time to complete the survey if you have been involved in an accident even if the damage to your vehicle was minimal.