Fake News & Parish Councils – November 2021

I was very alarmed to hear that there was an attempted dog theft from the Plain this month. We have heard of numerous reports in Wiltshire over the last year but this one was incredibly close to home in a popular and well visited area and seemed to be coordinated to include the slashing of the victim’s car tyres presumably so she could not give chase.

After making some enquiries this turned out to be “fake news”, there was no attempted dog theft although it appears the vandalism to the car was accurately reported. There have been ongoing acts of trespass by hare coursers and opportunistic thefts from cars, sheds and gardens across the area recently and it’s clear we need to keep an eye out whilst not being scared to enjoy our surroundings.

If you do spot anyone behaving strangely or a suspicious vehicle loitering somewhere please notify the police immediately on 101 and warn your neighbours for good measure.

As many of you know I try to attend every parish council meeting across the area. It allows me to give updates on the work Wiltshire Council is doing but crucially I get to speak to fellow residents and hear about the local issues that matter to them. It is finding a solution to our local issues that got me into this role, not the party politics which frankly is an utter embarrassment at the moment.

Recent public attendance at parish council meetings has been high and I think it reflects the strong communities we live in. A few examples of contributions include residents with planning applications who have presented their proposals or sought advice, people raising concerns about Highways issues, objections to planning applications, pitches for financial support towards local projects have been delivered and thanks has been given for parish council support.

Your local parish council meets every month and is the perfect forum for discussion, support and action on so many elements that make up our rural communities. Having a moan on Facebook about a local issue doesn’t achieve much – aside from temporarily venting some pent-up frustration. If you want to make a change then your local parish council is the best place to start.

As a statutory consultee on Planning and Rights of Way matters as well as the local representative body within the Community Area Transport Group dealing with Highways projects, your parish council has a “seat at the table” in many important discussions. In addition, your parish council has access to a budget formed from part of our council tax payments, so it is equipped to support local projects to improve our community from CCTV and play equipment to skateboard ramps and community events.

Public participation at a parish council meeting takes place at the beginning and you are free to leave at any time! It is entirely acceptable to turn up, listen or say a few words and then leave to be back at home in front of the TV within twenty minutes!

Finally a plea… if anyone is interested in a paid role as a Youth Worker / Youth Club Manager in the Lavington area please drop me a line!

You may contact me about this or any other matter by email to dominic.muns@wiltshire.gov.uk or by phone on 07585 394 178.