Conservative Candidate for The Lavingtons

As part of my work with West Lavington Parish Council, I helped set up one of the area’s first Covid-19 support groups.

We sprang into action and within the space of 72 hours we had designed and printed an information leaflet which was delivered to hundreds of homes, created an online database of residents who need assistance with medication and shopping deliveries and compiled a list of 38 volunteers willing to help. We had a dedicated phone line in operation and a team ready to respond to residents who needed help.

This project perfectly demonstrated what it is to be part of a community. The key to this project, or any other community project, is the ability to bring people together, make them feel that they have some ownership of their community and to ensure everyone has a voice.

If I am elected to Wiltshire Council in May 2021, I promise to represent everyone within our villages, to unite the voices of residents, to bring together our Parish Councils and community groups and to listen to residents. I will work tirelessly to ensure that your voice is heard within Wiltshire Council so that the local issues that matter to you are understood at County level.